Bible Teaching

God </a>is Both Terrifying and Tender
Exodus: Redeemed for a Purpose Grace City Church Ottawa Exodus: Redeemed for a Purpose Grace City Church Ottawa

God is Both Terrifying and Tender

God is both terrifying and tender, and that's a good thing. God's holiness shines a spotlight on our uncleanliness, causing us to shrink back in fright. But God, in his grace and kindness, doesn't leave us cowering in fear. By sending Jesus as our Redeemer, he made a way for our guilt to be dealt with. In doing so, we who were dead in our sin are made righteous by Jesus. We who once cowered in fear are invited to draw near to God as he draws near to us.

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God Promises Us Closeness, Not Always Comfort</a>
Exodus: Redeemed for a Purpose Grace City Church Ottawa Exodus: Redeemed for a Purpose Grace City Church Ottawa

God Promises Us Closeness, Not Always Comfort

In Exodus 19, God speaks about his faithfulness to his people and how he cares for them like an eagle cares for its young. This may seem rather sentimental initially, but this brief comment is loaded with meaning. Like an eagle parent, sometimes God nudges us out of the nest at the cost of our comfort. But it is always for our good, and he promises to always be with us.

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New Years Resolutions &amp; The Gospel
Grace City Church Ottawa Grace City Church Ottawa

New Years Resolutions & The Gospel

New Year's Resolutions season is the end of December and the beginning of January. Three tips to accomplish this, five steps for being a better that. It seems strange that there is such a focus on being better or doing better, all the while during the rest of the year, so much in our culture tells us that we are perfect just the way we are. So which one is it?

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Hope at Christmas
Advent 2023 Grace City Church Ottawa Advent 2023 Grace City Church Ottawa

Hope at Christmas

Our Advent 2023 series starts with a look at the topic of ‘Hope’ and how the foundation for Christian hope in the future is based on God’s faithfulness shown in the past. Nowhere do we see this more fully than God sending his son for our rescue.

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