Bible Teaching

📖 explains what's happening in 🌎
Acts Grace City Church Ottawa Acts Grace City Church Ottawa

📖 explains what's happening in 🌎

Peter's sermon in Acts 2 highlights God's boundless grace, the importance of grounding our lives in scripture, and how ancient prophecies connect to the earth-shattering events fulfilled in Jesus.

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Pentecost Still Matters
Acts Grace City Church Ottawa Acts Grace City Church Ottawa

Pentecost Still Matters

We can debate the terminology and timing all we want, but scripture is explicitly clear: we need the Holy Spirit.

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What to do when everything goes wrong
Grace City Church Ottawa Grace City Church Ottawa

What to do when everything goes wrong

Guest preacher Andy Arnold from Oceanside Church in Nanaimo helps us understand God's instructions when we face significant life obstacles. For the followers of Jesus, it all starts with remembering who we are because of him.

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Freed to Give
Grace City Church Ottawa Grace City Church Ottawa

Freed to Give

There’s a big difference between giving out of obligation and giving freely. In Exodus 25, God’s people are invited to bring offerings to build a dwelling place for God, but God doesn’t demand them. There is freedom to give to the one who gave everything for us.

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How to See God
Exodus: Redeemed for a Purpose Grace City Church Ottawa Exodus: Redeemed for a Purpose Grace City Church Ottawa

How to See God

We can easily see sacrifice in the Old Testament as a gruesome, even archaic, ritual that seems completely removed from our modern sensibilities. However, the sacrifices we see in those ancient texts, including the book of Exodus, crucially symbolize future redemption through Jesus Christ, enabling the Israelites (and us) to approach God, see God, and even feast in God’s presence.

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