Bible Teaching

Miracles: Jesus Raises a Widow’s Son
Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa

Miracles: Jesus Raises a Widow’s Son

As Jesus is passing through the city of Nain, he comes across a funeral procession on their way to bury the son of a widow. Jesus, instead of just passing through; is filled with compassion for the widow and then raises her son to life. This same Jesus is filled with compassion for you, and he is willing to show his immeasurable power in your life.

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Miracles: Mercy for Believers with Unbelief
Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa

Miracles: Mercy for Believers with Unbelief

In Mark 9, Jesus heals a boy who has an unclean spirit inside of him. That's no small miracle in itself, but there's another amazing miracle displayed in this story; the mercy Jesus shows to the boy's father who cries out, "I believe; help my unbelief!" Christians are saved by grace through faith, but faith doesn't mean there are no more questions. There's mercy for believers who cry out to Jesus for help with their unbelief.

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Miracles: The Woman at the Well
Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa

Miracles: The Woman at the Well

The story of the Samaritan woman at the well has many features that can be lost of on us, including just how despised Samaritans were by the Jews of Jesus’s day. With this in mind, the fact that Jesus chose to go through Samaria to for a divine conversation with the woman at the well is nothing less than a miracle itself, as is Jesus’s knowledge of key details in the woman’s life. She went to the well to gather water, Jesus went there to transform her life.

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Births and Birthright
Grace City Church Ottawa Grace City Church Ottawa

Births and Birthright

Neville Jones walks us through the story of Esau giving up his birthright over a bowl of soup. It seems like a bizarre story, but one that leads us to contemplate the way we as followers of Jesus are called to make decisions; based on knowing Jesus for who he is and seeing him in his Glory rather than giving in to our often misplaced desires.

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Miracles: The Cursing of The Fig Tree
Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa

Miracles: The Cursing of The Fig Tree

The miracle of Jesus cursing the fig tree is seen by many to be obscure. Why would Jesus - our perfect, loving Saviour curse rather than bless? Could Jesus have been using this miracle as a real-time parable to teach us about fruitfulness?

Find out as Francis Holtken takes us through this fascinating passage revealing to us the unseen depths of this miracle.

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Miracles: Jesus's Glory & Our Freedom
Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa

Miracles: Jesus's Glory & Our Freedom

The transfiguration of Jesus can seem like a distant event, even mythical in its nature. However, seeing Jesus as he is, both fully God and fully man, can cause us to see everything else in our lives in their right perspective. Jesus is both radiant and near, both holy and moved in mercy and compassion towards sinners like us.

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Miracles: The Miracle That Matters Most
Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa

Miracles: The Miracle That Matters Most

The resurrection of Jesus stands alone as the greatest history shaping event the world has ever known. Despite its significance, it can be easy to live as though this miraculous event has no bearing on life today. Nothing could be further from the truth.

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Miracles: Jesus Heals the Physically Blind & Spiritually Blind
Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa

Miracles: Jesus Heals the Physically Blind & Spiritually Blind

After healing a blind man, Jesus begins to tell his disciples about the cross. It's too much for Peter, who has no room for a cross in his expectations of who Jesus is and what he came to do. Even today, the cross can be seen as a gruesome and inconvenient historical footnote in the Christian life, rather than the central place upon which all of history has turned. Is there room for the cross in your life?

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Miracles: 'Sweetheart, it's time to get up.'
Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa

Miracles: 'Sweetheart, it's time to get up.'

Mark 5 tells us about Jesus miraculously healing two women; one who had a constant heavy period for 12 years and the other being a little girl who became very sick and died. Like all of Jesus's miracles, these true stories are about a greater story - about a holy and compassion filled Saviour entering into our world filled with impurity, disease, and death.

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Miracles: Jesus - With You in the Storm
Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa

Miracles: Jesus - With You in the Storm

Contrary to those promising health and wealth, Jesus called his followers to take up their cross and to follow him. This means the Christian life will often have more storms than the ones faced by those who do not know Jesus. However, the miracle of Jesus calming the storm shows us that we’re not alone in life’s darkest moments. The safest place to be during the storms of life is with the one to whom the storms obey.

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Miracles: Jesus Pays Our Debt
Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa

Miracles: Jesus Pays Our Debt

Matthew 17 records a miracle that’s easy to miss because of its brevity, but astounding in its significance. Jesus pays a tax he was under no obligation to pay, and he pays Peter’s tax as well. This is the gospel - our debt paid by the One who owed us nothing, yet gave us everything.

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Miracles: Water Into Wine
Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa

Miracles: Water Into Wine

Jesus’s first miracle, turning water into wine at a wedding, is loaded with meaning. That this was Jesus’s first miracle is no accident. The gospel shows us that our spiritual purification today doesn’t come from the water of old religion, but rather it comes from the best new wine; Jesus himself. Confused? Watch, listen, and be amazed at the glory of Jesus as shown through this miracle.

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