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Allow*, Celebrate, & Expect God
This year, instead of self-dependent resolutions, we need ones that rely on God.

What to do when everything goes wrong
Guest preacher Andy Arnold from Oceanside Church in Nanaimo helps us understand God's instructions when we face significant life obstacles. For the followers of Jesus, it all starts with remembering who we are because of him.

God Promises Us Closeness, Not Always Comfort
In Exodus 19, God speaks about his faithfulness to his people and how he cares for them like an eagle cares for its young. This may seem rather sentimental initially, but this brief comment is loaded with meaning. Like an eagle parent, sometimes God nudges us out of the nest at the cost of our comfort. But it is always for our good, and he promises to always be with us.

The Holy Spirit Produces a Generous Spirit
There’s something inside of us that pushes back against generosity. However, there is a better way - a new nature, given through Jesus and ‘sealed’ with the Holy Spirit, that grows faith that produces both joy and generosity.

Jesus - Master of the Storm & Full of Mercy
Often, we only cry out to Jesus for help when we face immense storms in life, and even then, we are prone to question whether he actually cares.

What God Is Doing In Your Life
How would you describe what God is doing in your life? Maybe you feel like he is doing a lot, or wonder whether he is doing anything at all. But what if we were to ask God to describe what he is doing in the lives of his people? How would he answer that question? Exodus 6 contains that answer and gives us many reasons to be encouraged, excited, and grateful.

When God Says Yes but Moses (& We) Say No
God clearly tells Moses the elders of Israel will listen to him. Moses says they won’t. What’s the real reason behind Moses’s questioning of God, and how will God respond? Is it possible to miss out on part of what God has for us when we tell God, ‘No, that’s not how it will work.’

Grace in the Waiting
Many of us who want things, want things now. And that includes what we want from God. In sharp contrast, the Bible teaches us that God ‘acts for those who wait for him.’ There’s grace for those who wait, and we are invited to wait with faith.

Miracles: Mercy for Believers with Unbelief
In Mark 9, Jesus heals a boy who has an unclean spirit inside of him. That's no small miracle in itself, but there's another amazing miracle displayed in this story; the mercy Jesus shows to the boy's father who cries out, "I believe; help my unbelief!" Christians are saved by grace through faith, but faith doesn't mean there are no more questions. There's mercy for believers who cry out to Jesus for help with their unbelief.

Miracles: 'Sweetheart, it's time to get up.'
Mark 5 tells us about Jesus miraculously healing two women; one who had a constant heavy period for 12 years and the other being a little girl who became very sick and died. Like all of Jesus's miracles, these true stories are about a greater story - about a holy and compassion filled Saviour entering into our world filled with impurity, disease, and death.

Miracles: Jesus - With You in the Storm
Contrary to those promising health and wealth, Jesus called his followers to take up their cross and to follow him. This means the Christian life will often have more storms than the ones faced by those who do not know Jesus. However, the miracle of Jesus calming the storm shows us that we’re not alone in life’s darkest moments. The safest place to be during the storms of life is with the one to whom the storms obey.

Miracles: Jesus Pays Our Debt
Matthew 17 records a miracle that’s easy to miss because of its brevity, but astounding in its significance. Jesus pays a tax he was under no obligation to pay, and he pays Peter’s tax as well. This is the gospel - our debt paid by the One who owed us nothing, yet gave us everything.