Bible Teaching

Miracles: Jesus Raises Lazarus to Life (Part II)
Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa

Miracles: Jesus Raises Lazarus to Life (Part II)

Jesus’s raising of Lazarus had a profound impact on John, the writer of the New Testament gospel that carries his own name. John, like Lazarus, knew what it was like to have a deep friendship with Jesus. Christians can often think of Jesus as Lord and Saviour, but he is also friend. The true story of Lazarus being raised shows us the compassion Jesus feels towards his friends who suffer as a result of living in a world broken by sin. And this story also shows us the power of Jesus to do something about it.

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Miracles: Jesus Raises Lazarus to Life (Part I)
Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa Miracles Grace City Church Ottawa

Miracles: Jesus Raises Lazarus to Life (Part I)

The name Lazarus is synonymous with resurrection, but there’s much more happening in this true story than a dead man being raised to life. Mary and Martha, the sisters of Lazarus, are presented as two women who trust Jesus, and Mary in particular is shown as one who has a profound appreciation and understanding of Jesus’s glory.

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Marriage & Parenting
Jesus Only Jesus Grace City Church Ottawa Jesus Only Jesus Grace City Church Ottawa

Marriage & Parenting

The way the Bible speaks about marriage and parenting is very different than how our culture tends to. In Colossians 3, Paul calls wives to submit to their husbands, “as is pleasing in the Lord.” Even the use of the word submit is enough to send some people running. Is that the fault of scripture? Or, is it because we fail to see marriage and parenting in light of who Jesus is and what he has done for his own bride, the church?

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