Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Parenting is a mission of grace
JOIN us for a four-week journey into the heart of parenting with DR. PAUL DAVID TRIPP
Dear Parents at Grace City Church (including hopeful future parents),
Raising children has been one of our greatest joys and privileges so far. It has also been one of the most significant challenges. We need help! And if you have children or hope to someday, so do you.
Throughout our marriage, including at our darkest moments, we've been greatly helped by the teaching and ministry of Dr. Paul Tripp. Paul's commitment to scripture and gospel-centred practical application has been a breath of fresh air. Through his teaching on parenting, he has helped us to see that our aim is not to control our children's behaviour but rather to appeal to their hearts in a way that shows them the love, grace, and mercy of Jesus.
We would love for you to join us for a four-week online course by Paul Tripp called Parenting: It's Not What You Think It Is. Our plan is simple - we'll meet online every other Tuesday evening starting February 18th. Our time together will start at 7:30 pm, and we'll be finished by 9. There's no need to arrange babysitters; you can even eat dinner or enjoy a glass of wine while we meet. Easy! And greatly beneficial to our children and ourselves.
The session topics are listed below. Just a quick note for those with infants and young children - at first reading, it may seem like the material is primarily aimed at parents with teenagers, but we can assure you that is not the case. The scriptural principles Paul emphasizes apply not only to all stages of parenting but also to marriage, friendships, and many other contexts. Whether you have one child, young or no children, we're confident each session will be beneficial.
There is no cost for this parenting course, but we ask all participants to register below and commit to each evening date. We also invite you to consider contributing towards the price of the course material and an end-of-course meal together, and we plan to have childcare available during that time.
We both hope you'll join us for this parenting course. We're confident these times together will help each of us as we seek to raise our children for the glory of Jesus.
With love,
Rich & Natalia

session 1 - February 18th
Give Up Control
The goal of parenting is not to control your child’s life; they will quickly outgrow your authority and be independent individuals. Don’t miss the big picture of what God has called you to do.
session 2 - march 4th
Shape Their Character
Your children will reveal their lack of character over and over again. Learn how to lovingly expose the sin in their hearts and point them to the forgiveness of Jesus.
Session 3 - March 18th
Thrive in the Teen Years
Culture portrays this period of life as a chaotic season to be survived, but the Bible is very optimistic about what can be accomplished. Learn how to make the most of the teen years and help them successfully transition from childhood to adulthood.
Session 4 - april 1st
Rest in God
Parents who rest in God will experience abounding joy as a mother or father. This hope-infused conclusion will remind you that God never calls you to raise your kids without first providing you everything you need.
All sessions will begin at 7:30 pm.
yes, count me in.
Please complete the following form to join us for this parenting course. Someone will be in touch with more information shortly.